It should be known that Supercharge was meant to be a resource pack firstly and a gameplay mod secondly. That said, as a gameplay mod it's pretty solid. Also the new graphics might misdirect players, it's a rather vanilla experience.

There are more things tweaked in this mod than there are things changed drastically. Weapons are giving faster firing speeds and some add in reload systems, but function the same. The player is at "diagonal" speed at all times.

One of the big changes is the instant weapon switching speed. There's apparently tricks you can do to chain shots together using the quick weapon changing speed but I was never able to pull it off and I don't get the impression that it does much anyway.

The mod changes enemy graphics too but if someone told me that the enemies' behaviour and attacks were mostly unchanged, I'd believe them. There's a lot of switched-up sound effects too that I don't like but maybe I need to get used to them.

Overall, I could come back to this wad if I wanted something that was mostly true to classic Doom but enough of a change if I needed something fresh.

Reviewed on May 08, 2024
