Remnant is an exploration of an impressive medieval complex amidst a beautiful, verdant land. The level is large and getting around can be a little confusing but the venues are distinct and expressive. I love the contrast of the orderly man-made buildings with the naturalistic wilderness that the hellish fortress is built around. The level is detail without being too busy.

The setpieces are beautiful, and that's not just thanks to the wad using the OTEX resource pack that Eviternity was built from. The grassy hues are subdued but enchanting. There's a regality to both architecture and nature as well. It's a pretty wad!

The combat encounters are usually pretty good and thoughtful. Sometimes the game throws a scrambled assortment of enemies at you that usually break down into a festival of infighting, but mostly the combat is tough (very tough on UV) and inspires the player to strategize and use caution.

I had tried this one before and fell off and had even forgotten that I had played this one but I came back to this one on a whim and turns out this is a pretty special single-level wad!

Reviewed on May 10, 2024
