When it comes to a weapon mod that strikes a balance between mixing things up and staying within the template of DOOM’s proper arsenal, nothing beats Final Doomer. From Doomguy to Whitemareguy, its weaponsets replace each of the vanilla weapon with another in a similar class. There are a handful of options to tweak global mod behaviours and some that deal with specific weaponsets, like how many C4s you can throw before detonating with Hellboundguy.

Instead of writing up multiple reviews for each class, I decided to pool all my thoughts to this one. Allow me to take it away…

Whitemareguy: This weaponset focuses on fire weapons and gradual damage. It feels weaker than it is. The initial damage is solid and the follow up damage enemies take from being burned adds up too, although I never felt it was a good idea to rely on residual damage. The shotguns have a downward arc that complicates vertical shooting. The chaingun replacement is the only hitscan weapon, which is annoying. The Firegrasp is a charge up rocket launcher that can be pretty satisfying in the right hands. The BFG replacement Sol’s Wrath carpets the player’s view with fire and it can melt enemies up close but far away most enemies will survive albeit with their flesh aflame. Maybe my least favourite weaponset in the mod.

Reviewed on May 11, 2024
