It Takes Two is the best Coop-Game I have ever played. Each chapter is charming, beautiful to look at and most of all: FUN! My friend and I needed a bit to find the time to finish the game, but we finally did and loved it. There was so much laughter involved, my stomach hurt from laughing too much a few times.

I think the game length is fine, maybe even a little too long, it did drag out in the end a little bit, but the ending was very satisfying. Overall I don't have any negative things to say about the game, except maybe about the implementation of minigames. In every chapter there are one or more minigames you can compete in. While most of them are harmless fun, the competitive nature of them kind of ruined the message of the game a bit, since you are meant to be in it "together" and beat it by working together and finding the strengths in eachother. Sadly the minigames did sturr negative emotions sometimes, since we both are very competitive people. You don't have to do these minigames tho, so I would advice to skip them if you or whoever you are playing the game with is very competitve. You can also just "unlock" them and play them after you have finished the game.

It Takes Two will stay for me for a while and I think there won't be better Coop-Games for years to come, but I hope it does inspire some developers to create more games for two. Loved it.

Reviewed on Jan 12, 2024
