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March 1, 2019

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Holy hell what a game. My experience with Resident Evil is fairly limited, mainly to watching my childhood friend Shawn beat Code Veronica for me and a few incomplete Lets Plays, but this re imagining of the series was something that just looked great to me, so I decided I'd buy Ibn's extra copy off of him and try to make my way through it. I'm also an enormous coward with scary games so frankly I did not think I'd make it to the end BUT I DID IT. On the easiest difficulty. BUT I DID IT.

The visuals are just stunning in the game and pretty horrifying. There's a real focus on DARKNESS and I'm so glad I had an HDR screen to play it on because it was creepy as hell. The puzzles were a bit much in some places but I was able to get through them all without too much of an issue. You get a very good feel for all of the areas in the game as you have to spend juuuust the right amount of time backtracking and working your way around enemies to get to where you need to be.

The story is told well enough, it definitely has some odd bits of the old RE 'camp' to it but it felt overall pretty solid. Characters don't do anything too crazy and everyone seems properly motivated. There's some good stuff with the Sherry/Claire/Annette relationship and Ada/Leon as well. Kind of sad to see her drop off a bridge (How did she survive?!).

Fantastic visuals, amazing atmosphere, entertaining gameplay and story.

Final Grade: A+