Dead Space and Dead Space 2 were pretty solid Action-Horror hybrid games. While those games had their own fair share of flaws, they were focused on what they wanted to do and they clearly had a lot of passion put into them from the developers Visceral Games and I can easily recommend them to any Horror game fan.

This game however is the equivalent of your parents telling you your hopes and dreams mean nothing and are unachievable and make you go to college for like Accounting or whatever. What I mean is that this game was clearly meddled by EA to warp the game into something more marketable because apparently, Horror games aren't very marketable anymore even though games such as Amnesia: The Dark Descent proved them years before that's not true and Five Nights at Freddy's would be released a year later and go on to become an Internet sensation to once again also prove that wasn't true.

So instead of making a horror game, the best way people in business suits at the time thought to sell video games to people in the most uninspired way possible was to make a Gears Of War clone, and not a very good one. Isaac still moves like he's on molasses and he can't hip fire because he wasn't designed for other shooting enemies in mind, so they added in a cover-based system to the game and a very buggy one at that. It feels as if it only works some of the time and doesn't convey what is cover versus what isn't very well. It's horrendous.

The limb-based shooting of the original games have been discarded as shooting limbs doesn't really seem to matter anymore. You can just blast the aliens just how you would to a regular guy anywhere and it doesn't seem to make a difference. They all are just bullet sponges that just charge at the player from anywhere on the map in swarms which is the most uninspired way of programming AI enemies imaginable. The game is focused on having the player craft their weapons into ridiculous ways imaginable and yeah while that's fun on paper it also breaks the balance of the game to an absurd degree which removes all tension this game could have built.

Dead Space 3 also decided it wanted to be a Co-op game... kinda. It has scenes that clearly the second player should be in while also being shoehorned in other scenes. There are setpieces where the second player should be in while others feel as if he gets in the way. It's just overall distracting like he's your imaginary friend and honestly, I wouldn't subject any of my friends through this dumb story.

Oh yeah, the story, which is probably tied with Bioshock Infinite in levels of stupidity. It's a moppy love triangle between Isaac, his ex-girlfriend, and some other guy who I can't remember. Then the other half is the marker story established by Dead Space 1 and 2. But the thing is, that love triangle subplot and the character's dumb actions mean I really hate everyone in this game. It's laughable just how bad the plot in this game really is.

I just can't respect a game that a publisher was so worried about making more money than the mountains of money that they already have that they were willing to destroy an entire franchise's identity in an attempt to get those dollars in their pockets. It didn't work and because of that, it caused Visceral games to shut down, making hundreds of employees lose their jobs.

So yeah, fuck this game.

Reviewed on Feb 09, 2021
