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A game that certainly falls short compared to it’s primeval predecessor. It had a cool ass start with having the intro cutscene and continuing where the last one left off a few years later. The two protagonist choice was a nice change to the already good formula, however it was kind of done poorly since one of the characters is clearly the main one you are meant to play since the other gets pushed aside in a good bit of the cutscenes. Also one does not get as good weaponry as the one I chose to play as told by Astroboymario. Which also goes to say the levels were somewhat kind of barebones with little exploration compared to others and the 2nd level definitely felt out of place. Bringing back alot of the great old weapons from Turok 2 and making them way more worse killed me. Majority if the game I would prefer using the pistol compared to all the other weaponry that wouldn’t get the job done. Boss fights weren’t too bad and I liked fighting one after every level. Definitely a downgrade from the past two, but certainly not the worst in the franchise.