Glad to finally finish up this one with Astroboymario. A damn good, old-school Mario game that reinvents the classic style with the crazy wonder seeds and loved the throwbacks to some of my favorites especially "Super Mario World". They could really work on giving the bosses more of a challenge though. It is beyond easy even for the younger audience. Biggest complaint definitely is the camera when it comes to playing with friends. It focuses on the one player so if that person makes a mistake more than half the time the other player can't recover since there is a good chance they are off the screen. It almost feels like the developers wanted the little brothers and sisters to fight with their other siblings!! I hear the online multiplayer is really cool as well. By the end of the playthrough I was really getting tired of that chatterbox of a flower, somebody get me some Round-up so I can hose em down!

Reviewed on Jan 11, 2024
