WOW! I vaguely remember playing this when I was a good bit younger, but I hardly remembered it at all. I'm glad I got the urge to play through New Vegas again thanks to the TV series like so many others I'm sure! The whole unique aspect of it all completely giving you almost a survival horror-esque feel with the bomb collars and the ghost enemies and their unique animations as well as a very interesting linear type of storytelling with its great characters which reminded me of the first Bioshock a bit(another one I need to replay soon). As I have gotten older and experiencing this expansion again I definitely see it in a new light. Especially playing way more in 1st person then I used to since I have gotten more into the fps genre. Really itching to play the others and see how well they hold up to me now! It is always so interesting how you see things in a different light once you age and become a bit more mature lol.

Reviewed on May 23, 2024


23 days ago

Glad to see someone else appreciate Dead Money so much. Its usually on the lower end when people talk about New Vegas DLC. Definitly come to appreciate it more as I got older aswell. God/Dog is one of my favorite characters across all of Fallout, hes so interesting just based on the idea alone.

22 days ago

@NovaNiles Thanks! Yeah I remember playing it like a decade ago, but its been so long I completely forgot about it and hope many others will replay it like I have. It's so interesting and has such great characters in this one, I really loved how they made Christine she was probably my favorite from it and I would say Dog definitely was a close second!