I fell in love with Diablo 3 when I first played it on the PS3 and also played through it a second time with reaper of souls. Imagine my excitement when I found out this was going to be released on consoles and was ready for the old school rpg experience. What turned into a great experience with a few friends on coop became a grueling nightmare that sucked the joy and life out of me with the constant bullshit by the end of the 2nd Act. Tried playing through this with several different classes and all ending up with the same outcome constant burnout of me thinking I made a solid build to just get decimated by Duriel for the thousandth time which also made other friends quit the game in frustration. I would play on easy if it was an option, but maybe I'm just not cut out for this unreal hardcore experience. I have lost any interest by this point with it and I am sure Diablo 4 will be better (I hope). Maybe I will one day come back to it, but certainly no time soon.

Reviewed on Jan 08, 2023


You didnt like it what the hell dood

1 year ago

I became the tormented!!