I religiously played and still like to jump into DKC 1&2 every once in awhile. They had such a big part in my childhood gaming years, however I never dabbled with this one at all. Finally getting my hands on it and playing it in the past few years I can say I didn’t miss much. Of course its more DKC which is always great, but it often felt like a cheap imitation to the wonderful series I love dearly. Some enemies felt weird and out of place and the whole setting was off putting to me like I was at camp lazlo or some shit. Most importantly the OST was god awful and some levels had a few cheap gimmicks like the one stage where you have to climb a burning rope and can only turn left to right. Its an okay game on its own, but definitely didn’t feel like the usual OG DKC!

Reviewed on Jan 14, 2023
