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What a weird game, I don't mean this in the sense that it's bad but the fact that we are getting a sequel to an endless runner that is almost 10 years old really shocked me. The first game is a mobile classic. Before endless runners were a thing the first game felt revolutionary. It completely captured what a mobile game should be. Pick up and play and get addicted. But the high score nature of the original left alot to be desired, I never had urge to see how far I could go, I liked unlocking the cool outfits and jetpacks and that was it. So a sequel didn't make sense to me because the original is still being updated to this day. So the thing that really blew me away was what they did to the sequel that make it it's own thing. First they gave it a story mode with levels. This is foreign to endless runners because this runner very much has an end. Every level has a goal distance, if you get to that distance you either fight a boss or have a little bonus objective and then you stop. And with the next level you start right back at 0. While this seems counter intuitive to the point of this style of game it really works because between levels you are upgrading your guy for the next run. The other big change was doing something I can't believe wasn't in before, making it a side scrolling shoot 'em up. Every few meters enemies will spawn and you will have to fight them. Between this and the bosses they added a big extra dimension to this style of game. For about 10 days I was hooked... and then I beat the game, literally 100%'ed all the content, no grand ending just place holder graphics for "coming soon". Since hitting the end I really cooled off. There is no reason to keep going after that because that's the end of the game, nothing left to do, so I think I'm done. With the amount I have to play I doubt that I'll care enough to check this back out when theres more stuff added. The apple arcade model is so weird because releasing "full games" with no MTX is so nice but like this feels like there was a payment model in place and I wasn't supposed to hit the end this fast, and I'm just seeing behind the curtain of a team probably frantically trying to push out more content but like what's here is awesome but maybe it could've waited until there is more.