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1 day

Last played

October 28, 2023

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Layton 4 was released in 2011 in the West, right before the smartphone and internet memes and gatcha games change the landscape for creating relatively inexpensive games such as Layton 4. Layton 4 is in many ways the best Layton so far. The puzzles are tight, the music is solid, the animation is joyful, and a new protagonist joins the ranks to make things more interesting.

If you only care about puzzles, Layton 4 has you covered. As for the overall experience, this may be my least favorite Layton. While other games always had something to make the town and story compelling to think about, this one doesn't excite the imagination. The mystery of the giant monster is outclassed by Luke being a weird little dude for the majority of the game. When it's time to focus on the monster for the ending, none of the big revelations feel impactful. The puzzles are a great time, but you might be better off replaying Layton 3.