Unoriginal, Unplayable, Asset-Ripping Piece of Shit of a Mario Kart game. Just call this Super Mario Kart 64 already.

Reviewed on May 24, 2024


8 days ago

Lmaooooooooo, I'm skimming through your reviews and seeing such in-depth write-ups, only to get thrown off the curve by this!

8 days ago

@RedBackLoggd There's some games that deserve all they get, and then you have Sexy Parodius, or Gradius IV.

8 days ago

Is it really unplayable? I remember knowing ppl who had the game and they seemed to have fun with it.

8 days ago

@RedBackLoggd This game works in the same vein as Super Mario Kart where the drifting sucks and stuff. If you can master it, then the game is sorta playable, but at the same time, if you're a completionist, you might aswell skip this game, for Nathaniel Bandy has given a good summary of how atrocious the system is to 100% Super Circuit.

I don't like this game because I don't like it when companies reuse too much assets in their games when they make a new entry of said game. It's done to keep the game remain it's identity, but when you make a new entry to a game that's borderline the same as it's predessors, then you might aswell stick to said predessors. This game i'm not kidding is Super Mario Kart 64. Hell, all Super Mario Kart stages are inside of this game!

8 days ago

Ah yeah, I stopped being a completionist a long time ago because it was making games unfun haha. But a bad drift is definitely gonna harm those tight races.

Tbf, a lot of Game Boy games were just that - handheld recreations of traditional SNES games for people to play on the go. You had Donkey Kong Land for DKC, Mario Land for Super Mario Bros., Gargoyle's Quest for Demon's Crest, etc.... I don't think that's inherently a bad thing because a lot of folks couldn't afford SNES and/or this was their first console.`

8 days ago

@RedBackLoggd And that's just a common thing Nintendo does like to do, now that I think about it. Think of the Switch-- the console, while does have it's original games, had a whole WiiU/GameCube reconnaissance with games such as Super Mario Sunishine, Kirby having a first full fledged 3D game, and Paper Mario TTYD getting released on there.

8 days ago

Yeah, and that's fine for people - I'd rather those games be available for newer audiences than stashed away solely on their OG consoles where scalpers can price jack them.

8 days ago

@RedBackLoggd But do you want to know what could be done to make things better? If NIntendo with their new console to think about the other games that they leave behind. Tomato Adventure, Star Fox, Starfy-- all of these Nintendo IPs are stuff that they could bring back to the modern era if executed properly, but they haven't, although I am not losing my hope.

8 days ago

Yeah, Nintendo's notorious for dropping IPs, it's an unfortunate aspect because I agree with you. At least sell them if you're not interested in doing anything.