Mario Kart DS. Do I need to say anything more?™

Mario Kart DS is one of the top 5 pinnacle entries of the Mario Kart Series. The other ones being Wii, 8 Deluxe, Double Dash, and Mario Kart 64. What makes this one apart of these is becsuse of how damn accessible this game is to everyone. First of all, Mario Kart on a great handheld system? Sign me up! The first one was Super Circuit and that game sucks ass, so they knew immediately after learning what Double Dash had to offer, and took the elements from that game to make a masterpiece.

This game truly started off Retro Tracks in the form of bringing back tracks from other games (Super Circuit has done this with the SNES tracks but DS actually had the Retro Track name), and the selection for them are awesome. It's great to see Frappe Snowland some love even if the stage still kept the liminal environment that it had. There's also some of the best Double Dash stages like Baby Park and Mushroom Bridge and that games luigi circuit. But this game isn't known for just the Retro Tracks but the Nitro Tracks, too!

New to this game was Peach Gardens, Airship Fortress, Delphino Square, Mushroom Ridge, and the best of all, Waluigi Pinball. Why is this stage overrated? Not becsuse of the awesome kick ass music that the game has, but how the stage works. Its a living Pinball with the sound effects being changed to emit the presence of playing a Pinball game. The aesthetic also looks fantastic, and how memorable the stage is overall and the layout. I believe that there are more to this reason alone, but I believe I've covered everything that this stage had to offer.

Another graat thing about DS is how the mini turbos work. While it works like normal Mario Kart where you hold the boost to get an orange stronger boost, this game is kinda broken where if you move the control stick left and right in quick succession, this immediately gives you the same boost. It kinda was the same in Double Dash except this time, you can feel the power going onto you. So much that you can snake your way through the stages. What's snaking? Doing this trick, but moving in a snake like fashion moving left to right consistently, and it's a common trick speedrunners use to make the game much easier to get a better PR out of what the game and others have to offer. It's so great that for this review, I've used it to make the game a lot better. The multiplayer modes and are also fantastic on their own too. You got your usual coin battle and Ballon one too but there's also a Shine one that works similar to the coin one but I'm gonna be honest... I'm probably saying things cause I haven't played the multiplayer modes in a while.

Last thing I'll mention is the ability to make your own custom emblem. You can make it a character. You can make it the Metroid Logo. Hell, you can make it a nose! Anything you'd want, especially since the game is offline and you don't have people reporting your emblems and such.

Reviewed on Jul 02, 2024


I love this game, mission mode needs to return in MK9

3 days ago

Some of the retro tracks were real stinkers but still, the most fun I had with an handheld Mario Kart. Battle mode was the best