This was a finely made rpg with a meticulous storytelling capable of re-define the genre, seriously.
The game mainly explores themes such as the meaning of one's actions and identity. I completed this game three times now, and I still think I missed something. The cast is purpously disconnected and weird. There is a huge amount of characters although most of them are secondary and hardly contribute to the plot. Except, they are not. If you look at the cover right now you can see two kids and a dog on a boat. The dog has literaly no involvement in the story as long as the player establishes its relevance. Chrono Cross puts the player at center of the narration.
There is no room for debate when it comes to this soundtrack. It's unbelievable. Yasunori Mitsuda is a great artist and manages to convey so much with so little. Every track feels tense and connected to one another. There is no dull moment. It is as unforgiving as the flow of time itself, it's mesmerizing.
Gameplay: way too easy. Each character needs no investment, they are all viable in the appropriate context. However, they feel pretty much the same. The protagonist is broken and easily capable of carrying the whole team.
Highly recommended if you are into deeply immersive stories, or if you are an Asimov fan.
There's too much to say. Games like this deserve their own video reviews and deep analysis.

Reviewed on Jul 04, 2023
