I originally characterized Scarlet Nexus as Nier Automata inspired but less ambitious, but as I played more and more, I realized this game has its own charm. The combat is very solid, though it doesn't change much throughout the game and the dodge mechanic is a little finnicky until you get the correct plug-in to deal with this (so I wish it was just more consistent in general). Story's not bad though they don't always do the best job explaining all the phenomena, so you might have to do your own research. And the visuals and soundtrack weren't bad at all either. Regardless, it might not be the best JRPG I've ever played, but the gameplay is engaging enough and I did slowly warm up to some of the characters as time passed. Wouldn't mind playing a sequel to this someday, and I'll probably try the other character's route on Gamepass in the near future.

Reviewed on Oct 12, 2021
