It's a shame that this emulates poorly, because presentation-wise I think it's one of SNK's biggest achievements. Perfectly captures the look and feel of the kakutougi boom but with the slick SNK twist. I can't say I'm entirely convinced by the control setup and mechanics but it's still an intriguing experiment - the way things work makes me think of something like the PS1 RINGS game which is probably intentional. This should definitely be thrown into some kind of SNK Collection release at the very least, it's far too interesting to be left stuck on a dead arcade system.
In the character select artwork, the grappler dudes all have cauliflower ears, which rules, and the soundtrack CD for this comes with sheet music for Yong Song's theme, which is very nice. Cool game!

Reviewed on Sep 08, 2022


7 months ago

Update: Buriki One now emulates almost perfectly.

7 months ago

@andfelcaslop Awesome, thank you!