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An okay Star Wars experience but not without some big weaknesses, not least of which are the major technical issues.
As a game, I think it's mostly fine. Combat is more of the same from the first game but with more bells and whistles, so solid enough, though I wish we had access to all stances at all times. The levels are absurdly large and running around Doing a Prince of Persia to uncover all the secrets and collectables etc. is satisfying, although I think the kind of railroaded, one-obvious-route style of individual areas feels somewhat at odds with the openness of the worlds. I dunno. Maybe I'm crazy!
Storywise I'm not entirely convinced: I don't think Daran Gera is a developed enough villain, and likewise whilst I assumed Bode had a heel turn coming from the first time I saw him, I don't think there's enough there to make it truly impactful - the game could have used a few more missions where we're paired up with him, a few more tangible moments showcasing him and Cal as true partners.
Speaking of Cal, I dunno, this game makes him out to be kind of a monster! They've went all in on making stormtroopers into bumbling bozos, and it just makes slaughtering them by the thousands feel slightly grotesque (especially when you hit an instant kill animation. These guys are completely outclassed, Cal, do you really need to maim them before killing). That one boss fight against "Rick the Door Technician"? Come on. I get that they're the Empire, they're supposed be the most cartoonishly evil guys going, but the voice lines make it clear that many of them are brainwashed by propaganda, and hey, wouldn't some of these guys still be clones explicitly programmed to follow orders? The game doesn't treat any of this as unheroic, so I dunno. Just seems a little off to me! Maybe they should just say "blast em!" or "squash the scum!" instead so I don't have to think about this. And you know what, it's not fair at all that Cal gets a blaster. These guys already can't shoot you because of your laser bat and now you can just shoot them? Poor form!
Played on PC and it really is as bad as you've heard. Making some ini tweaks allowed me to get things into a bearable state but I still had to put up with constant stuttering anytime a new animation popped up, which meant most boss fights didn't really start until my 2nd attempt. I only had one crash, though - during the Vader fight (this guy getting parachuted in to give proceedings some weight again. He's become Wolverine), and then on relaunching the game Vader wouldn't spawn and I couldn't progress until I backtracked to another checkpoint and saved there and then made my way back. Happened during the final Bode fight too. Absolutely embarrassing release. Anyway, I use a yellow saber, what colour's yours?

Reviewed on May 01, 2023
