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1 day

Last played

September 15, 2021

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Boy you can really tell this game had a campaign planned only to have the rug pulled out from under them about 20% of the way in.

I didn't even touch the multiplayer or Blackout modes on this yet so I guess you can't really call this a full review when I've only played like a third of what the game offers, but just based off the Zombies and Specialist modes, you can really tell just how "corporate" this franchise has become at this point. This honestly feels like a game without a soul, like the developers weren't even invested in it and were just doing what the execs were telling them to do, who in turn were just doing what focus groups and pop culture were telling them to do.

It would almost be forgivable if it didn't seem like they snuffed out any ounce of creativity a team dared to try and sneak in. Things like the cancelled campaign mode and the continuous deterioration of the Zombies production quality shows that Activision really didn't want an actual quality game, but rather just another entry in a tentpole series to boast about to investors.

To put it simply, it's a game where its worst crime isn't that it's bad but that it's boring.