I have a really complicated relationship with this game.

I love the details and effort that went into building the cars and tracks in this game. The fact that they apparently couldn't get enough licensed tracks to fill up for a whole game and instead designed their own original tracks is really cool and honestly heartwarming to see from where the series ended up at.

But oh my god....the AI in this game can be problematic at points and downright sadistic at others. It honestly felt like the game was gaslighting me at times when I would try to complete a race only to be absolutely demolished by a computer with a different car. When I would then switch to the car that I was being overtaken with, the same computer would then lap me with the car I had just used. It really makes you question whether the game is skewing the odds against you for the sake of challenge or if you're just shit at it.

Apparently they couldn't afford to license any Lamborghini cars but for 2004 and Turn10's initial game the amount of really nice detailed cars is impressive.

Also I just want to point out how my mind was completely blown when I first loaded this game up and saw that they had Drivatar AI, a feature that I'm pretty sure wouldn't be reintroduced until 9 years later in Motorsports 5. I never ended up using it, but I did do all the training sessions to "build up" the profile. While it's much more simpler a feature than its later introductions obviously, it's still an impressive marker of the consistency and improvement of the series today.

Reviewed on Apr 01, 2021
