A perfect example of a sequel that manages to improve on simply every aspect of it's predecessor. With Halo 2, Bungie took the Halo Universe into much more experimental storytelling, and I have to just say how much I loved the device of introducing the game through our supposed "enemies", showing us how the covenant view master chief and his actions.

Looking outside this game had the disadvantage of appearing as any other generic first person shooter of the time, however this game truly goes the extra mile to not fall into the tired tropes of "evil aliens want to destroy earth because reasons".

I have to say, I really appreciate the fact that I'm playing all these entries years later, as I really cannot imagine having to wait 3 years after the cliffhanger of this game for Halo 3. Now that I think of it, the amount of hype surrounding the release of Halo 3 back in 2007 now makes sense though....

Reviewed on Apr 17, 2021
