Here's a question no one wanted to know the answer to: what if we made a COD game with TANK CONTROLS.

Seriously though, have to say I'm kind of impressed at the quality of the PSP output. For a handheld console the graphics are actually somewhat competent for the time. Weird complaint but, the game needs more weapon drops. Too many times I'd run out of ammo and have to simply melee everyone until an enemy would drop an MP-40. All in all, there's actually potential for a good game under here, it's simply limited by the hardware they had to work with.

But seriously who the fuck thought TANK CONTROLS

Reviewed on Aug 06, 2020


1 year ago

It doesn't have tank controls, what are you talking about? Do you even know what tank controls mean?

1 year ago

@mikearrani you use the left stick to move and the PSP has no right stick equivalent so you have to use A, B, X, Y to aim on locked axes. Is that not tank controls?