Rest in peace Akira Toriyama, you will be missed. I will be eternally grateful to the joys you have brought me with your works.

I respect this game a whole lot. It might just be the most important RPG of all time, as it was the first to actually attempt to adapt RPGs to video game format rather than simply emulating tabletop RPGs.

With that said, that's pretty much it. It's an important and interesting piece of history. If you are curious about video game history or about the origins of the series as a whole, then by all means, play this, it's not really so "bad" as it is 70% grinding.

It's not fun, deep or even really stimulating, I had to put on an audiobook to endure this game's grinding. And I'm sure that for its time, that was fine. But damn this is a slog.

Thank you Dragon Quest 1, for being the necessary step needed so that much better games could be made.

Reviewed on Mar 12, 2024
