A fine game by itself. It remakes the original pretty acuratly. While modernizing it a bit story wise. This is welcome.

But this game is straight up ugly. It's not so bad if you play on emulator. But damn it really unbearable on an actual PSP.

Look I get that it was the time, handhelds that could handle 3D models were novel, and people were trying to exploit it, but all it did was create games that make early PS1/N64 games look good. And with the original and its beautiful sprite work included in this game. I see no reason you should play this.

It might seem vain to dunk on a game based on its visuals, when there's nothing really wrong with it gameplay wise, but it's a Remake. Compairson between an Original and a Remake are bound to happen and are relevant in a discussion. And if there is one thing, where the newer version always ends up winning. It's usually the visuals. To see it fail there, well, yeah, it's pretty lame.

Konami agrees with me, as the re-release on PS4 of this game include the original Rondo of Blood, but not this. Hell even Dracula X got included in the Advance collection.

Reviewed on Apr 05, 2023
