OG: https://youtu.be/GS804Qha0Fs?t=24221

Remastered: https://youtu.be/kfhXgacx19M?t=11360

You'd think they'd fix the one thing that proved how contrived the whole experience fundamentally is, but they don't even bother.

Reviewed on May 23, 2024


12 days ago

What's the one thing?

11 days ago

@RedBackLoggd first off, huge fan of your review on TLoU2. I remember reading it thoroughly a few weeks ago, to see another person's nuanced perspective on this game, and you offered a voice I've seen very few articulate as well as you have. The longevity of your review complimented how complex the conversation surrounding this game really is for those who try to be a mediator, and the complexity in question is part of the detriment to TLoU2's narrative, as this game only seems to spawn volatility and hatred when mentioned.

Anyways, Tommy gets shot in the head, and shows up later in the game at Ellie and Dina's house, with zero injuries. There's a deeper conversation to be had here about how this game contrives shock value murder for the sake of appealing to "moral complexity" whilst lacking the character nuance and writing to actually zoom out and capture the humanity that the title claims to have, but I'll keep it simple here for the sake of brevity.
Tommy was the only reason why Ellie goes back to pursue Abby years after everything had went down in the theatre. Deep down, she wanted to, but in order to draw a parallel to the opening of the game--where Abby goes after Joel, not knowing whether or not she would actually find him-- Ellie has to find a reason to chase after Abby, not knowing whether or not she would actually be at the location Tommy conveniently got the exact coordinates to. This one little slip-up just allows for a multitude of critiques to be made regarding the contrivances of this plot, and how they were done out of a position of malice on Druckmann's part, regarding the subtext this game has, and also how the writing only proves itself to be weaker the further I analyze this game. You'd think they'd fix this minute little thing in the remaster, and the remaster was already being criticized for being a challenging game of spot-the-difference, but they don't even bother.

11 days ago

Aww, thanks man, I don't even know how to respond. That's so sweet of you to say. That and SOMA are two of my proudest reviews solely because that kinda "deep" analysis of a game is very hard to articulate, and those were the only times I felt I actually succeeded in doing so, so thank you for the recognition, I appreciate it a lot.

I actually never saw the parallels b/w Tommy being shot in the head and Joel being beaten in the head until you brought it up, so ty for that, that's an interesting comparison. I just figured the nightmare she had was the primary instigator, but there was certainly the guilt tripping too.

Unfortunately, I'm still confused as to what you're referring to? Are you saying they should've changed her shooting Tommy in the head, or changed the way Tommy found out her exact location?