Palworld 2024

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A mixed bag of things you already played, but with 1 new thing brought to the table

The gameplay is mostly uninspired; the exploration feels like BotW, the survival feels like RUST, the monster taming feel like Pokémon, this game is just a mix of successful things and tries to be all of them at once.

The unique feature that makes this stand out from the games that copy this same recipe is the utility with the creatures you collect, the Pals. Each unique species of Pal can perform certain tasks in combat as well as when put to work at a base, making your party composition change based on what your objective is: help you explore unreachable areas, focus on harvesting a specific resource, even increase your carry load to organize/move base resources. Mixed in is a personality system that adds randomized traits to help or hinder your Pal’s performance, making you constantly analyze who you want to keep and who to throw out.

This added utility of base building to the Pals give a refreshing breath of depth to a creature-collecting game than what we haven’t gotten with many in the genre, but don’t let that sway you into thinking “this is what Pokémon SHOULD be doing!!” It does not emulate that adventurous feeling you get from traveling the world to become a Pokémaster, it’s just a survival game with automation. You won’t fall in love with your Chikpi named Cluckles because you aren’t bonding with them, you are just looking for the most optimal Pal to get the job done. Another note, the Pal designs are very uninspired, feeling like borderline plagiarism to a lot of Pokémon designs. I’m really hoping this is not made with AI and is just uninspired designs; discrediting a lack of imagination as “probably AI” doesn’t help the fight against its use.