I was totally under the impression while playing this that was a new for 2023 release, but then I find out that it was actually a Stadia exclusive at launch (and therefore buried from public knowledge or care). Finally the game has a shot at a second life now that it's more readily available on platforms people actually use.

GYLT reminded me a bit of Alan Wake, but with a much more cartoonish style. Like that game, you're combatting with some dark kind of mirror-verse and searching for somebody. Even the combat is kind of similar to Alan Wake with you shining your flashlight at monsters' weak points to destroy them. It was fun to sneak around and solve the various puzzles across GYLT's speedy campaign. It's a very fun one sitting sort of adventure that never asks too much of you.

I definitely think that you're too well equipped in this game to make the monsters ever seem like a major threat. I pretty much always had plenty of resources to take out anything in my path and cruised right through. The climax of the game actually takes away your abilities and reverts you back to stealth, so they definitely knew this was a bit of a balancing issue.

However, the small environments are still fun to explore and it's fun to unlock new abilities over time and get to new areas that were previously blocked off. I wasn't a fan of the good ending getting locked behind finding all of the collectibles- but overall GYLT was a satisfying, if short, experience.

Reviewed on Dec 19, 2023
