A straight-up serotonin generator. The core gameplay is simple and repetitive, but there is just enough strategy baked into it that it takes a long time before it gets boring. If it ever does.

It has that sort of "turn your brain off" appeal of idle games and also uses some of the "trickery" that mobile games use to get you to keep playing or to spend money. However, Vampire Survivors has never asked me to pay anything beyond it's initial cost. Some cite this manipulation as a reason they don't like the game. But games have have tricked us into having a good time ever since the idea of adding a score to games was invented, so I don't see why this is a negative here.

What sets it apart from other games in its genre, is that the art, themes, and sound all fit cohesively together. There's also a notable sense of humor and reverence for other classic games.

If you aim to do everything in it, you'll be busy for a couple hundred hours at least. Probably the best game for multi-tasking while watching Youtube or listening to a podcast as well.

You're not going to have some profound moment while playing this game. It's just freakin' fun man. It's fun. That's why I play games.


Reviewed on Feb 08, 2023
