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velanova finished Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance
Vengeance brings SMT V to the modern classic status it was always capable of. I've always been fond of the original but there was definitely things holding it back, and it's hard to express how much better this fully realized version is. It addresses a ton of the flaws and rewrites the story totally with more fleshed out characters and actual emotional moments that will stick in my mind. From a gameplay standpoint it's pretty much the best JRPG on the market right now. V was already a brilliant modernization of Megaten with the best aspects of classic and modern design. With the level scaling and damage sponginess altered, the grind rail shortcuts on the map and even more options it's now exceptionally fast paced and massively expanded with all the challenge you could possibly want. Free from Nintendo jail in 60fps it's much easier to appreciate how totally gorgeous it is. There's still a few segments that I think are kinda weak but they did a remarkable job salvaging the original, and those are really not a big deal to me when it's so overall charming and addictive in the other aspects. The demons have excellent designs and so much character, I've never gone out of my way to do every single optional boss and quest in an RPG before and I think that speaks for itself. V is inarguably a full fledged SMT entry now and I highly recommend it

7 days ago

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