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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

August 3, 2022

Platforms Played


i loved this so much!!! the game is very pretty and makes the original triple trouble locales pop. i'm a sucker for the sonic 3 sprites too, they've always been my favorite! this is one of the most official feeling fan games i've played, especially when it comes to level design and overall polish. it truly feels like an official remake of the game gear original. a lot of the DNA is there but if you remember the game gear game you'll be thrown for a loop occasionally. it's incredibly impressive how true to the original the game is while feeling very original at the same time. stuff like the bosses being massively improved while keeping the general attacks and designs of the original is really cool. i also loved the variety that stuff like the snow board/rocket shoes/submarine added, they all felt fun to use. my only "complaint" would be that it's pretty short, but that's really just cause triple trouble is so short so i can't be too upset about it.

all in all absolutely adored this game. sonic fan games i feel had a stigma of "of this is cool, it'll probably never get finished though." which i think is still a fair worry but with things like fallen star, p-06, this, and many others progressing super well it feels like the best time to be into sonic fan games and fan content in general. it's always been one of the best things about being a sonic fan but each passing year it only gets better and better.