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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

June 16, 2022

Platforms Played


this game fucking rocks!!! instantly one of my favorite beat em ups ever. it's a pretty limited genre (imo) but with some of the most appealing pixel art i've ever seen, killer soundtrack, and ninja turtle fan service thrown around everywhere this was an absolute blast. the only negative was the online experience was a bit buggy (we had to reset 1 level and challenges were kinda confusing on if they applied to us all or not) but aside from that is was an absolute blast! exactly what i want from this game when i saw it get revealed.

edit: dlc makes an already amazing game into an even better one! survival mode is a ton of fun to grind out, and karai is the most fun character in the game now. color palettes are really cute too with lots of fun references. this game just owns so hard