significantly more fun than the original gameplay wise, the writing was more charming and funny than the original and actually had a couple jokes that made me chuckle. i didn't love the upgrades much, they felt very standard/uninteresting or just being there for the sake of fixing something they made annoying intentionally. things like upgrading how much money you can hold, or how long you can be in the bank before the cops start attacking you were just kind of annoying and didn't feel like they added much. also the whole gimmick of money felt very odd, once u get past the first boss 90% of your income just comes from little trinkets you pick up, especially with how worthwhile they become as you progress. so you start very drip feedy with upgrades and then randomly after one run buy 70% of the remaining upgrades at once lol. gameplay is solid overall though, lots of fun little guns that felt unique, although i feel you move a little bit too fast and it's kinda hard to get a grip of in moments where you have to navigate things like toxic goo on the floor. the bosses were decently fun but the whole final section was a bit overwhelming in tedious. to be fair i was on the harder difficulty but the giant worm monster thing at the end did way too much damage and dying restarted the entire section again which was a very weird difficulty spike compared to the rest of the game. fine little game though, solid quick little game pass experience!

Reviewed on Jan 22, 2024
