not bad, obviously very comparable to games like Vampire Survivors, and while I don't think it particularly lives up to that legacy it's still a good bit of fun. a solid variety of characters and weapons and items, although they don't feel as different as they could. it's mostly numbers and stats for everything. i don't mind these kinds of games but there's a feeling of luckiness and randomness and not enough skill expression to fully hold my attention. at least in the context of actually playing the game, obviously there's a lot of strategy and thought that could go into a build or something but with the nature of random rolls it can be frustrating getting a ton of garbage that doesn't go with your build whatsoever and the only control you have being moving around there isn't much in the way of skillfully getting yourself out of a tough situation in these kinds of games. i also wish the actual map you ran on was a bit more interesting and not just a giant gray/brown/tan square. still, a pretty fun time! these games are very easy to get a bit addicted to and mindlessly play for a lot longer than you realized you were playing.

Reviewed on Mar 13, 2024
