this shit is like xenoverse 1 but better in most ways. story is absurdly samey (like most dbz games to be fair) but the combat is fun and for some reason i never tire of playing through most of these story beats. i will say after having played dbz kakarot a lot of the appeal of the story/combat wore off since i feel that game does everything universally better for a dbz game. this one has the added bonus of some decent time sink-y multiplayer though!

edit: i've spent the past like 3 days grinding this game like crazy (and it can be grindy as shit) but it's really fun! i'm kinda just doing the same shit over and over but i'm still having a great time!! the story is samey but the epilogue was actually really interesting and cool, was a big fan of that. i haven't gotten any DLC yet, and i haven't gotten into the meat of PQs but i'm having a really good time. i'll say i have zero interest and will do none of the online PvP it just isn't that kind of game to me so i can't speak on it. after getting more comfortable with the combat it is a whole lot better than xenoverse 1 in that aspect. you get a fuck ton of content here, not even including the big grind for certain milestones there's just a huge amount of stuff here and it keeps getting added to. highly recommend for any DBZ fan! if u don't rlly care about DBZ this will do absolutely nothing for you.

Reviewed on Jul 06, 2022
