this will always be my favorite classic castlevania game, everything about it is so great. the cheesy cutscenes/dialogue, the absolutely gorgeous pixel art, a top 5 OST in all of video games, and the best level design/bosses of any classic castlevania game easily. this game cemented me as a castlevania fan and it's something i'll come back to revisit for years to come. if you ever wanted to play a classic castlevania game, try this one out! it's a whole lot of fun!
decided to do a maria run this time around since i was replaying this via the requiem collection and it was super fun! maria is a really fun character and her ending was very silly and fun. her double jump is really satisfying and her sub weapons are cool and silly. i prefer richter in pretty much every regard, but maria was a very fun way to play a game i adore.

Reviewed on Dec 30, 2022
