i've played a LOT of wrestling games and this is pretty easily on the lower end for me. i didn't have particularly high hopes going in, i'm not really an AEW fan but had hopes this game would feel unique and fun enough for that to not really matter. unfortunately, that isn't the case, because this game is pretty rough.

the most obvious criticism and the one being thrown around a lot is the graphics, and i agree it's pretty disgusting! i'm sure playing on the switch isn't helping, but watching gameplay for other consoles it's still just not something i like looking at. the animations and such are also awkward and extremely janky. i couldn't hit a single cody cutter that didn't clip through the head of whoever i was using it on.

my main time spent with this game was the road to elite story mode, which to be honest was just straight up terrible. it makes me question why it was even included in the first place. borderline no story at all, the few story beats they try to cram in are done in 5 seconds, and weird activities between matches were boring and tedious after 3 times. it also penalizes you for using an existing wrestler. a large majority of what you earn are credits to upgrade and build your character, but the problem is existing wrestlers don't have the ability to do that. so 80% of what you're earning is almost entirely pointless. they are generous enough to convert it to currency after the story mode but i'd prefer to just be able to buff the guy i picked even if just for the story.

the gameplay i think was hyped a bit too much for me going in. i hadn't played much of the older n64 wrestling games so i didn't have that nostalgia mindset for the gameplay here. i had heard incredible things but i just didn't really understand the hype. it wasn't bad by any means! it was still fun, but i fail to see how this is better than more modern wrestling games in any way really. i was hoping for faster more arcade-y feel and it can be that but not to the extent i wanted really. there are some highlights, like the wacky collection of items available and the more silly match types but at the end of the day i found the gameplay to be nothing super special. for sure not enough to make up for the lack of content, and clear lack of polish this game has launching as a $60 game.

it's clear kenny omega and members of this team are passionate about wrestling video games. you can tell they wanted to make something special here, and maybe they can if they get a couple more tries but this just does not cut it in today's market. if you loved the games this was based on so much that it's the only kind of wrestling game you can ever play and AEW is your favorite thing on the planet i can see you having a good time here! unfortunately, that isn't me and i didn't have a good time. i don't hate AEW but i just couldn't ever get into it. if that's you, you probably won't like this game either. unless you hate WWE with a burning passion i cannot see any world where you should buy this over WWE 2K23 which IMO is the best wrestling we've gotten in a long time, potentially ever. if you're anything that isn't a die hard AEW fan just grab that or emulate the n64 ones, you'll have a better time.

Reviewed on Jul 07, 2023
