I'm definitely going through my "charming detective humor" phase these days, cause this one completely won me over.

I picked this up after hearing it's very close to Obra Dinn's style of investigation, although a step down in difficulty from that - which feels like a pretty apt comparison. It's tough for detective games to give you both the structure to not get lost in multiple dead ends, but also feel freeform enough that you're really solving the case yourself. I think Duck Detective does an amazing job doing both (it helps that the mystery is very well enclosed), all while having very fun and charming personalities to interact with.

Honestly, the only two issues I really have is that there's a couple of lines of thoughts (or "deducktions" as the game calls them) that felt a bit weirdly phrased with the info you could fine, and that I just wish there was more of it. Here's hoping this becomes a series!

Reviewed on Jun 30, 2024
