Released in 2000, Spider-Man for the original PlayStation remains a timeless gem in the world of superhero video games. Developed by Neversoft and published by Activision, the game successfully captures the essence of the iconic web-slinger while delivering an engaging and enjoyable experience.


Engaging Storyline: The game's narrative draws inspiration from various Spider-Man comic storylines, featuring a diverse cast of villains and allies. The engaging plot, coupled with authentic voice acting from the animated series' cast, immerses players in Spider-Man's world.

Varied Environments: From the bustling streets of New York City to the dark and atmospheric interiors of buildings, the game offers a diverse range of environments. Each location is well-crafted and complements the various missions, preventing the gameplay from feeling repetitive.

Boss Battles: Spider-Man features memorable boss battles against classic villains like Venom, Carnage, and Doctor Octopus. The encounters are well-designed, requiring players to strategize and utilize Spider-Man's unique abilities to overcome each foe.

Unlockable Costumes and Abilities: The inclusion of various Spider-Man costumes with unique abilities adds an extra layer of customization and replayability. Fans of the comics will appreciate the attention to detail in faithfully recreating these iconic suits.


Dated Graphics: Given its release in 2000, the game's graphics have understandably aged. While the character models and environments were impressive for the time, modern gamers may find them lacking in comparison to today's standards.

Camera Issues: The fixed camera angles, at times, can be a hindrance during intense action sequences. Maneuvering through tight spaces or engaging in combat occasionally becomes challenging due to the limited control over the camera.

Repetitive Combat: While the combat mechanics were innovative at the time, the fighting can become somewhat repetitive. The limited variety in combat moves and enemy encounters may leave some players wishing for more diverse gameplay elements.

In conclusion, Spider-Man is a classic that has left an indelible mark on superhero gaming. Despite its age and a few shortcomings, the game's innovative web-slinging mechanics, engaging storyline, and memorable boss battles make it a must-play for both Spider-Man enthusiasts and fans of action-adventure games. The ups far outweigh the downs, securing Spider-Man's place as a beloved classic in the world of gaming.

Reviewed on Dec 01, 2023
