Log Status






Time Played

3h 40m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

September 11, 2023

Platforms Played


Needed to take a break from the other games I'm playing so I figured I'd just play my favorite game of all time again.

Played it on NSO for the first time and the game is still amazing, but it doesn't feel the same as playing it on the actual SNES (also why is the button mapping normal for the dkc games on NSO, but weird for the 2D mario games??). Not the worst way to experience the game if you haven't played it before, but I'm probably gonna stick to playing the actual cart in the future.

If you haven't played DKC 2 before, you should (as well as the entire trilogy) as soon as possible. I always recommend going for 102% (or at least going for all the bonus rooms) since you unlock the secret world and secret final boss. Just a heads up though, if you're new to the game, don't save all the secret world levels for after the non-secret final boss. You gotta reload your save after that fight and you start with 5 lives vs however many you would normally accumulate throughout a normal playthrough and you don't want to try those levels with so few lives on your first time.

This is my favorite game of all time!

Improves on DKC 1 in every way! The music is better, the levels are better, the bosses are actually good, going for 100% actually has a purpose and is fun and rewarding and both the characters are actually fun to play as.

The game is super fast paced and fun. It's harder than the first game and is super rewarding to play through!