Really cool little platformer, like they really didn't need to go this hard. It's really impressive how much content is packed into such a short little game. Each level is tightly designed with engaging action platforming segments, little hidden collectibles and lots of fun little references and easter eggs celebrating the entire history of playstation and a lot of its core series.

I don't think I've played a game that made as full of a use of its controller since ape escape. It's hard to describe what it is about Astro's playroom works as well as it does, it's just really fun and it feels like the devs had a lot of fun making it.

Astro's playroom is just super charming and cool. It doesn't take long to playthrough or even 100% and it's one of the best ways to introduce yourself to the PS5 library. If you have the means you should check it out. It's a game anyone can get a lot out of.

Reviewed on Apr 05, 2024
