I feel very conflicted about crash 3. The platforming levels are amazing. By far the best in the entire trilogy. The tiger levels are good too.

Every other gimmick levels are terrible though. They ruin the pace of the game and they're not satisfying to control.

These are probably the best bosses in the original crash trilogy. They're a decent challenge without feeling like they drag on too long. The power ups are cool too and are mostly functional. I rarely used the death tornado spin or double jump since the double jump just feels really awkward and clunky to use. Even when you understand the weird timing to it, it just feels really bad (very happy they fixed it in crash 4).

I usually don't like time trials in platformers, but the platforming levels actually feel like they were designed with this in mind so it's actually pretty fun to do them and doesn't feel like padding to me.

This leaves crash 3 as a game with really high highs and really low lows. Ultimately the whole thing balances out to being extremely average since while I love the actually platforming levels I mostly remember how frustrating everything else was. This ultimately makes crash 3 way less replayable than the first two games for me.

Reviewed on Aug 11, 2023
