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This is a great example of a shooter game which functions really well, but then there's not really much going for it other than just routine elements like ragdoll physics and blasting away mutant creatures and so on. Midway was a company that really got into making strange games during the 6th generation of video games, and this was kind of an example of that in action.

Really, the strange elements comes from how this game handles a plot which deals directly with conspiracy theories and about aliens somehow coming down to inhabit Earth and contaminating human beings with mutagen which turns them into monsters. Of which there's also a plot-twist where all of our main character Ethan Cole's crew is picked off one-by-one by the creatures, and Ethan barely makes it out alive before plummeting down an elevator shaft and in a semi-conscious state gets bitten by one of the mutants - altering his body chemistry into this strange hybrid who can transform from a human being into a mutant creature at will (really to add something more to the gameplay).

The rest of this game is bizarre but playable, and I think I just got a kick out of the amount of times it adds more conspiracies after conspiracies - like with a visual gag where you discover that they faked the moon-landing, or that there actually are little grey creatures which are secretly plotting to take over the world and so on. The cover art to this game has become such a meme that people don't even know that it's from this game. Marilyn Manson also appears as the voice of the alien leader Edgar, and in general the voice-acting is decent for the most part (although David Duchovoney kind of phones it in as the lead character Ethan Cole).

I'm pretty sure this game was free-ware for the longest time as well (at least the PC version) was, and it's definitely worth playing as a curiosities sake. Deus Ex was also a much better game centred around conspiracies and did what this game was trying to do a lot better.

Reviewed on Mar 27, 2021
