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This was one of the few games I got to play on the family Mac and i remember being creeped out by it to where I stopped playing it all together. Now 15 years later after randomly remembering it, I decided to give the game another look and it had to be age cause this "game" is really underwhelming, especially something with the King of Horror's name attached to it. Its basically a demo disc with a few minigames, screensavers and the entirety of Stephen King's Everythings Eventual, it even comes with a "spooky" soundboard of stock sound effects. Whats really bizarre about this is that its made by Presto Studios, known for the acclaimed Journeyman series, during the tailend of their run before being shut down in 2002. I also expected there to be a lot more to the game but it really is just a 30 min venture if you leave out the novella, and with the quality and lack of real connection to Stephen King, this game is really dissapointing