Mon Amour is a shocking little gem from Onion Games that I had no expectations of. During the pre-release period, I had only seen screenshots of it and thought it was shoot'em up of some kind, it was only a few days prior to release that I learned that this was effectively a spiritual successor to the moon RPG minigame "Xingiskhan". And, while Xinghiskhan was not the worst part from moon, I was still not the biggest fan of it. Still, the charming visuals carried through for me and I bought the game.

And then I couldn't stop playing it.

And then I 100%'ed it in like a day.

Oddly enough, this game works so much better than Xinghiskhan on a base level. Between the supremely loveable presentation (including a wonderfully unique soundtrack from Thelonious Monkees' hands) and MUCH tighter level design/concept, it makes the still difficult and at times frustrating gameplay much more tolerable.

It's not for the faint of heart, but if you want a challenge and a laugh, this game will handle both of those for you without an issue.

Reviewed on Jan 20, 2024
