this is one of those games you hear people talk about but very rarely see actually playing a big blockbuster game of the time that has for the most part been made absolute by other games that have done its formula in a more fulfilling way the combat has aged pretty badly the story is very cheesy and some of the parkour that was so unique at the time has become a bit janky but still surprisingly the best part of this game I would say this game is at its best in the big rooms you gotta scale up its odly calming until you know u fall out of some bs but still it really is the mirrors edge syndrome you have a unique movement system but you can't sell that to investors or maybe the larger gaming audience so you need a halfassed combat to go along with it I am not saying that's what happened here but the combat does really drag the experience down

I used to play this a child and I used to think it was a horror game because of the monsters lol never got really far though the PC controls just never made much sense to child me so ofc I beat the game today with mouse and keyboard probably for the worse but you have to face your child's demons or something (I am sorry I been reading Stephen King) and much like other games from my childhood it can be beaten in an afternoon, games felt so much bigger when I was young.

Reviewed on Jun 21, 2024
