I have a hard time deciding whether I liked this more or less than KOTOR 1. Both games are absolutely fantastic, but the highs of this game are so incredibly high, while the lows are realllllllly low. Nar Shaddaa. If you've played this game you'll know how terrible this part can be.

This game also has the problem of having a godawful Steam port and also literally being broken and unfinished apparently?? I used the Restored Content Mod so I wouldn't know but that's what I've heard. But mod aside the port is just really bad, sometimes it would take minutes for me to load into an FMV and then another couple minutes to load back into the in-game cutscene, only to have to wait even longer for another FMV, into another in-game cutscene.

All in all, holy shit I loved this game so much I want to get all the achievements eventually

Update: I got all achievements :)

Reviewed on Dec 01, 2023
