Jedi Survivor is coming soon, so I’d thought I’d do Jedi Fallen Order. There’s a lot this game does good with.

The gameplay is fantastic. The old Jedi Knight games with Kyle Katarn were fun to play and still are, but Respawn redid the system. The force powers are now buttons instead of a wheel. I like this way better so you don’t have to chose a power during combat. You can now also use a double-bladed lightsaber on command. You don’t have to replay the entire story now just to get the lightsaber if you want it. The lightsaber combat is great. EA learned their lesson from Battlefront 1. They act like swords instead of baseball bats, especially in the finishers, which are awesome. My combat style is usually a hit or 2 with the single blade, then I ignite the other to cut them down. I just love the vibrations of my controller. Another thing I like about the game is that you have the opportunity of choice. For instance, you can go to Daithomir anytime between when it’s unlocked until it’s the last place you need to go. You can also get the double-bladed lightsaber early. I was exploring Bogana just after I met BD-1 and I found a workshop where I built it. Good thing I did it then because BD gets his scomp link damaged. I forgot that on my second playthrough of the game.

The story is fantastic to play though. I like the idea of searching for a holocron while inquisitors chase you. The worlds you visit have personalities and I like exploring them and learning history. The characters are great and fleshed out through small conversations, such as Greez. He’s one of my favorite characters in the game because he’s funny. He has such an interesting character and I liked talking to him the most out of all the crew. Merrin is also great to talk to. The nightsisters met a sad end and it’s great talking to a survivor, who was a child when it happened. I see the romance building and I hope Survivor can deliver because many people love the two together. I also like talking to Cere because she understands what Cal is going through and it’s nice talking to another Jedi. Her past is interesting to talk about and the game keeps adding to the puzzle. Her struggle against the dark side is done beautifully, as we don’t see her use it until we saw Trillai’s flashback. Trilla is what Reva should’ve been; an inquisitor that the audience fears and connects with her trauma. I actually felt bad for her and didn’t want her to die, when I wanted Reva dead. Taron Malicos isn’t in the game as much, but he is a good side character. A Jedi that survived Order 66 and turned dark was a good idea. And now I’ll talk about Cal. He is my favorite protagonist in a Star Wars game that’s not Revan because how interesting the game made him. The Order 66 flashback was my favorite part to play through because I thought it was supposed to be more training. Even I was deceived. I also loved the cute relationship with him and BD. The acting in this game is also fantastic. If the Mantis Crew appears in live action, they better be played by the same actors, or at least Cameron Monaghan as Cal.

The music in the game was amazing. Playing the Order 66 theme during the flashback was a wise choice, and so was using “Anakin’s Dark Deeds” when you run into Darth Vader. Loved his appearance in the game, by the way. But outside of that, it gives the planets charm and makes exploration feel grand.

The problems I have with the game are that it just goes a little too much Tomb Raider for me and some of the puzzles are dumb, like that one with the ball on Bogano. And the customization is lacking. It seems the sequel has improved on that, but we shall see when it comes out. New Game+ is also disappointing. You have to get all your skills again. It’s just not really worth it for Cal’s Inquisitor outfit. It’s also worth noting that the holomap is confusing as hell and that you can’t fast travel.

Other than that, the game is a fantastic play. This is one of my favorite pieces of content that we have gotten from modern Star Wars.

Reviewed on Apr 16, 2023
