Quake II 2023

Log Status






Time Played

9h 12m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

February 27, 2024

Platforms Played


This is the first game that I've ever beaten that hasn't been released in this millennium. Been wanting to play something from the past so I could finally say I've played some of the classics. And Quake II is absolutely a bonified classic, and I enjoyed it thoroughly.

Shout out to Nightdive for the modernizations they've added to the game, as I doubt I would have been compelled to play through the entire game if not for hitmarkers, the weapon wheel, and the compass to show me around. These additions allowed me to fall in love with the chunky gunplay, dynamic enemies, and twisted-level design.

There's barely a story to latch onto, but that doesn't matter when shooting dudes and finding secrets is so much fun. The game feels simple, but that's to be expected from a 1997 game. But the art design of the enemies and the brutal environments are enough to carry me through the game.

I still want to go back and play some of the DLC and use some of those dope-looking new weapons, but this game is just so one note that it can be easy to get tired of it after only a few hours. But it was fun to go back and see some of the origins of the genre I love so much.

Hope I can get around to more older games in the future!