I'm pretty conflicted on this game despite the high score. I adore this game but for particular reasons, and I'm annoyed or bored by it for others.

The gameplay is probably my favorite part of it. Combat is simplified, but while I don't love the lack of challenge, I do love the easier self-expression that is now possible in fights. But traversal is the real highlight. This is just, point blank, the most satisfying traversal system in any game I have ever played. Swinging is just as fun as it ever was, and the added mechanics of Miles Morales are still here, but the Wingsuit makes getting around even more engaging. It forces you to analyze the environment even more and feel more skilled when maintaining and gaining momentum. It's so good in fact that it's wild that you can fast travel at all the game.

But narratively this game is lowkey a mess. Stakes often get raised to insane levels only for nothing to come of it by the end of that very same mission. Conflicts balloon due to characters not making simple, obvious choices. Some of the stuff with Miles that interacts with his cultural heritage comes off as incredibly corny, not to mention his final costume, which I didn't love but didn't hate as much as others. The game early on gives the impression that many surprises are in store, but all opportunities for those surprises are squandered for the more straightforward option. The game just has the desire to do the coolest thing possible, and often it is fuckin cool, but often at the expense of the most interesting direction to take its characters. Hell, even the endpoints for each of the leads don't make much sense.

It's obvious that Insomniac wants to be another Naughty Dog to something if all of the more intimate waking missions are any indication. But the writing on display is often just not good enough to justify the budget and detail they use to bring it to life. This is still Insomniac though, so the game is just absurdly, unendingly fun. But I'm under no impression that the gameplay was worth that $200 million budget. Maybe if that writing was better, or at least more interesting, the cost of the game wouldn't feel so insane, but Insomniac was already making games this fun without having to immerse me in a grounded narrative. Hopefully, they can do both again, like they did in Miles Morales, or just focus on the gameplay that they can't help but continue to perfect.

Reviewed on Jan 27, 2024
